Dr. Dilyana Kenolova


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Esthetic Dermatology

Skin and Venerologic diseases

Български език  Русский язык  English (UK)

  • Dermatological surgery

    Dermatological surgery is used to surgically remove moles, electrocoagulation of benign skin growths, performing skin biopsies, others
  • Therapy with Botulinum toxin

    The Botulinum toxin is most effective in the case of dynamic wrinkles, which appear on the upper half of the face: the forehead, between the eyebrows and the little wrinkles around the eye contours – crow’s feet
  • Rejuvenation therapy with natural collagen

    The natural collagen therapy is a new step forward in esthetic Dermatology that supports and restores collagen fibers, which give contours, firmness and tone to the skin; decreases the formation of wrinkles by fighting against free radicals and supports the balanced hydration of mature skin
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Rejuvenation therapy with natural

The natural collagen therapy is a new step forward in esthetic Dermatology!

  • It supports and restores collagen fibers, which give contours, firmness and tone to the skin;
  • It decreases the formation of wrinkles by fighting against free radicals;
  • It supports the balanced hydration of mature skin;

MD – TISSUE is a new medical product, created by the GUNA laboratories in Italy, based on natural collagen. Thanks to the fragmentation of its molecules it is not considered a foreign body by the organism and there are no side effects. For this reason this innovative, physioregulatory approach to restoring and protecting the skin conforms to all the standards and needs to find wide application in Europe.

MD – TISSUE is introduced to the skin by means of Mesotherapy, which ensures a quality collagen “bioscreen”. The weakening, tearing and intoxication of the collagen scaffold are the main reasons for sagging, the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging.
Collagen therapy is performed not only as restorative care for mature skin, but is also an effective method for the prevention of sagging facial contours in young men and women.

In order to attain a good therapeutic effect the standard application is twice per week over a period of 4-5 weeks, i.е. 8-10 procedures.


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Лек, топящ се противостареещ гел-крем с дълготраен матиращ ефект, специално формулиран за нормална и комбинирана кожа, който незабавно изглажда и възстановява кожната текстура. С висока концентрация на D-Glyox(регистриран патент)и обогатен с матираща оризова пудра и хидратиращи агенти, той реактивира младостта на кожата и незабавно разкрива блясъка, осигурявайки красив матиращ ефект. Съдържа хиалуронова киселина и витамини С и Е.


Богат кадифен противостареещ крем, специално формулиран за суха кожа, който незабавно изглажда и възстановява кожната текстура. С висока концентрация на D-Glyox(регистриран патент)и обогатен с подхранващи растителни масла от арган и шеа, той реактивира младостта на кожата, незабавно разкрива блясъка и подхранва в дълбочина. Съдържа хиалуронова киселина и витамини С и Е.

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Burgas 8000
109, Alexandrovska St.
Tel. +359 56 53 11 99
Mob. +359 899 / 99 58 62

Work time:

Monday 13.30 - 17.30 ч.
Thuesday 10.30 - 17.30 ч.
Wednesday 13.30 - 17.30 ч.
Thursday 10.30 - 17.30 ч.
Friday 11.00 - 17.30 ч. 

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