Dr. Dilyana Kenolova


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Esthetic Dermatology

Skin and Venerologic diseases

Български език  Русский язык  English (UK)

  • Dermatological surgery

    Dermatological surgery is used to surgically remove moles, electrocoagulation of benign skin growths, performing skin biopsies, others
  • Therapy with Botulinum toxin

    The Botulinum toxin is most effective in the case of dynamic wrinkles, which appear on the upper half of the face: the forehead, between the eyebrows and the little wrinkles around the eye contours – crow’s feet
  • Rejuvenation therapy with natural collagen

    The natural collagen therapy is a new step forward in esthetic Dermatology that supports and restores collagen fibers, which give contours, firmness and tone to the skin; decreases the formation of wrinkles by fighting against free radicals and supports the balanced hydration of mature skin
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Lifting with mezothreads

Lifting with mezothreads or so-called Tredlifting is a new aesthetic method for seal, strengthening and lifting of the tissues.
Mezothreads is a system of a needle with thin monofilamental thread. After removing the needle the thread is released and remained implanted subcutaneously. Subsequently, the thread is completely absorbed within the 180-240 days, the biorevitalizing effect continues.

The procedure is painless, atraumatic. There is no need to use anesthesia. It is used for:

  • Modeling of the face, neck, neck line;
  • Smoothing of wrinkles, refreshment, smooth complexion;
  • Reducing of abdomen’s volume and cellulite deposits

The thredlifting firms the connective tissue, stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, activates the recovery processes, improves microcirculation, improve muscle tone. The thredlifting is successfully combined with other aesthetic procedures - Mesotherapy, biorevitalizing, peels, fillers;
100% biocompatibility – a full resorption of the thread and minimal risk of allergic reactions.

Threads with a lifting effect
Soft Silhouette is a revolutionary new method of rejuvenation in aesthetic Dermatology, they combine two effects – lifting and regeneration. Lifting effect is immediate, as a result of the compression and the mechanical tension of the tissue.

The lifting effect is immediate, as a result of the compression and the mechanical tension of the tissue. The regenerative effect is achieved gradually and naturally. Polylactic acid /PLA/, the main component of Silhouette Soft, acts on the deeper layers of the skin and naturally stimulates the collagen production. This action, that lasts over time helps to raise the holding tissues, to shape the contours of the face, the line of the lower jaw, neck and eyebrows. The procedure is Atraumatic. After placing a small amount of local anesthetic the Silhouette Soft is implemented with the help of mikro needle.

The Silhouette Soft is a treatment that can be adapted to your individual needs and desires. Recommended for men and women at the age of 30 years and older, who are trying to effectively combat the signs of aging, not wishing to resort to more severe and invasive methods but are looking for a real and natural results.


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Лек, топящ се противостареещ гел-крем с дълготраен матиращ ефект, специално формулиран за нормална и комбинирана кожа, който незабавно изглажда и възстановява кожната текстура. С висока концентрация на D-Glyox(регистриран патент)и обогатен с матираща оризова пудра и хидратиращи агенти, той реактивира младостта на кожата и незабавно разкрива блясъка, осигурявайки красив матиращ ефект. Съдържа хиалуронова киселина и витамини С и Е.


Богат кадифен противостареещ крем, специално формулиран за суха кожа, който незабавно изглажда и възстановява кожната текстура. С висока концентрация на D-Glyox(регистриран патент)и обогатен с подхранващи растителни масла от арган и шеа, той реактивира младостта на кожата, незабавно разкрива блясъка и подхранва в дълбочина. Съдържа хиалуронова киселина и витамини С и Е.

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