Body - cellulite
Cellulite affects 85-98% of the female population. It is one of the most difficult cosmetic problems to be cured. Cellulite is a result of structural changes to the fatty tissue below the skin.
The reasons for its appearance are multifaceted: stress, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, disruption of the circulation in veins and lymph system, and hormonal problems. As a result the connective tissue fibers decrease and weaken, which gives the opportunity to fat cells to increase in size and to form the so-called “orange rind” skin.
Anti-cellulite mesotherapy is one of the most successful procedures in the battle against the accumulation of fat.
The active ingredients are injected directly into the hypodermis in the problem areas. They break down the fat and expel it from the organism, while improving elasticity at the same time. In this way the skin attains a tighter and more youthful appearance.
A series of 6-10 procedures is suggested at intervals of 7-14 days. Combined with an optimal regime of eating and exercise, success is guaranteed!